Nicole Barrons

Time out in Nature

Whenever possible I take a walk in nature and love to be with trees and in the woods. It is so peaceful and calming to take time out and enjoy the peace and beauty of the trees with all their ancient wisdom. I feel very grateful to be so close to the South Downs and be able to explore so many different walks If I don’t have enough time to get out to the open countryside I make sure I visit a local park. Make time to be in nature and breathe in the fresh air, it can really help calm the mind and great to be out getting some exercise,

Loving the Winter Sea Dips

Another beautiful day to enjoy a winter dip. It really is only a dip for me rather than a swim. The cold water benefits are still there even for a short dip. I feel great afterwards and super proud of conquering the cold water !!

Sue Stone team happy hour

A daily dose of interactive positivity, inspiration and reassurance.

Everyone is welcome! It’s FREE. Starts Friday 27th March 6.30pm UK time and everyday at 6.30pm until further notice.

Join each night and be as interactive or not as you wish via our zoom meeting link below
Here’s the link to join via zoom…… 6.30pm for one hour each night. Join or listen in when you can!

Zoom Us!

I am really excited to be hosting one of the Sue Stone Foundation Happy Hour events along with Ingrid Fear (another Sue Stone Coach) Our session will be on Saturday March 28th .You can join us on zoom for some positive chat, support and informal sharing of how we are all feeling during lockdown.

Lockdown Exercise

I am really enjoying exploring new places to walk during Lockdown. I have always loved walking though I am discovering new walks all the time on the beautiful Downs near where I live and also close to my home walking different routes along streets I have never walked down before.

As we have been given the opportunity to exercise outside it makes me really focus on making the most of that time and planning where to go when possible, I think I have probably done much more longer walks in the countryside during Lockdown than in the whole of last year! It so good to be out and about in nature. I plan to keep up the regular longer walks when Lockdown eases.

How is your lockdown?

So here we are in a few weeks into this strange lockdown time. I am having days when I am super productive and days when I just don’t feel like doing much at all. As I talk to people I hear the same everyone seems to be up and down with their emotions it is a bit of a rollercoaster. It is absolutely fine to just go with the flow we are all different with our energy. There are many people out there who are not working and so have more time suddenly and are busy doing online classes, getting fit, learning languages, cooking getting creative which is great and you may be too though equally you may not be and that is absolutely fine too ! Please don’t compare yourself to others and think you have to be keeping busy all the time. For those who are at home this time can be of real benefit for you to slow down and work out and become more in tune with how you are feeling and what is important to you.

It has helped me to have a routine with some mindfulness and meditation to start the day and then some yoga. I keep it to short 10/15 minute bursts and in that way I am more likely to stick to the daily routine. I also like to plan something I want to achieve each day as well as my daily exercise. This may be work related or something for me which might be reading or sorting a cupboard or some paperwork or making a call to a friend. Connecting with people is so important for our wellbeing and I am really missing seeing my friends in person. We make sure we have calls and group chats and check in on one another and have established a weekly catch up with drinks and nibbles which has been really lovely and the occasional online quiz too! This all great when technology is working though I have had some challenges with the internet which has been has been frustrating at times!

I am loving the peace and quiet of Lockdown without all the traffic and I am really noticing the bird song, so beautiful. There is a lot to notice in nature at the moment the blossom on the trees and also the amazing bluebells in the woods. I am so grateful to be able to walk in the countryside. I am sharing the picture from a recent Bluebell walk as it was so magical.

If you are able to get out each day try practising some mindful walking really use the senses what are you seeing hearing, smelling and feeling?. This might be noticing how clear the sky is or the quiet streets, you might notice the breeze or the sun on your skin. This is practising mindfulness and is so good for your wellbeing to give your mind a break and to relax.

However you are using your time important thing is to make your time work best for you. You are unique and don’t have to follow or feel pressured by what others are doing. Above all be kind to yourself and others these are challenging times and we all need to look after one another.

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